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Aug 31, 2023

Withminimal time investment, EMS provides great results and promises to improveyour fitness level.

By Paula Martins, in Lifestyle, Sport, Algarve · 29 Sep 2022, 19:01 · 0 Comments

Despitethe proven health benefits that exercise has shown, the busy lives many peoplelead have led many of us to put off our fitness goals until tomorrow. However,these excuses may be coming to an end with EMS.

Recentlyarrived in Portugal, EMS provides a new and tempting form of exercise thatallows us to save time while investing in our body through a 20-minute practiceonce a week.

Whatis EMS?

EMSis the abbreviation of Electrical Muscle Stimulation, which is a technologythat uses impulse currents that optimises the body's natural musclecontractions. Through this technique it is possible to achieve great results injust 20 minutes per week.

EMStakes advantage of a process that the body already does naturally. "Our muscles naturally contract through electricalimpulses (bioelectronics)". So what EMS training does is taking advantage ofthis effect by employing hardly noticeable external electric impulses.

"The electric impulses are delivered via electrodes using an electrodevest combined with a under garment. With EMS training you are able to activatemore than 300 muscles simultaneously in sessions of 20 minutes", said StaceyCabeleira, owner and personal trainer at I-fit20.

EMS studio

Officiallyopened on the 25th September, in a very central location near LouléMarket, I-fit20 is a friendly studio where people can have private EMStrainings provided by Stacey Cabeleira.

Thereason this studio is called "I-fit20" is because it is anabbreviation of "I get fit in 20". According to Stacey, a 20-minutesession is equivalent to approximately four hours of conventional exercise.What's more, you only need to do it once a week, although some clients preferto do it twice.

"Ifyou do EMS once a week and do nothing else, you can still see some changes withina month just by taking a complementary walk on the beach."

Sheusually recommends people do it once a week unless they want really quickresults, in which case they can do it twice. "For people who want to do ittwice, a two-day break between the two sessions is enough just for properrecovery," she said.

EMSreally works out!

Itried a session with Stacey and what I can say is that it really works. Ihaven't exercised for a year, my legs were flabby, and with just one session Ifelt strength building in my lower body.

Uponarriving at Stacey studio, you’ve to be prepared to work hard. Her intimatetraining sessions are tough, but quick and rewarding. "You’re not just sittingin the equipment and relaxing".

During the workout, I felt a sort of vibration in the specific areaswhere the suit was activated, but it doesn't hurt, and if you don't feelcomfortable, you can always ask to have it set lower. The lower the settingsare, the smoother the workout will be, and the higher they are, the stiffer itwill be.

Afterthe first session, both the effects on my body and Stacey's professionalism andfriendliness won me over. Best of all, it only takes 20 minutes. "In 20minutes of your day there is no excuse you can't come".

Iwent back the following week to train with my boyfriend. He is at a much betterfitness level than me and it's great that we can train together, do the sameexercises and as we were in different settings we both felt the training was atthe right intensity for both our fitness levels.

Areyou curious? To experience it, you can book a session with Stacey and she willgive you a free trail. In that first session, in addition to the EMS training,she will ask what your goals are, if you have any injuries or illnesses beforeyou sign up.

AlthoughEMS is healthy and has no side effects, people cannot do it if they arepregnant or wearing a pacemaker. Also, if you suffer from any illness, it isbest to seek the advice of your doctor first.

For further information, please see her websiteat or get in touch through [email protected] or call +351 928073 439. She is also on Facebook and Instagram @i_fit20.

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