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West Chester gym testing out special workout suit that will save time in the gym

Oct 07, 2023

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A gym in West Chester is trying out a new trend, called Electrical Muscle Stimulation training, or EMS for short.

If you know me, you know I'm a fitness buff. So, when I heard about EMS training, I knew I had to give it a shot.

And lucky for Greater Cincinnatians, Bharat Kakar, the owner of Fitopia in West Chester, said this is the only spot in the state of Ohio that you can get your EMS fix.

So, what is EMS training? Well, for one, it's a fitness trend taking over the nation.

And two, it's a form of fitness (approved by the FDA in 2019) in which you strap on a special suit that stimulates your muscles while working out.

"It is a technology that allows us to add impulses to clients' muscles indirectly, and it puts loads on clients’ muscles and allows them to work out. While they're just making simple movements," explained Kakar.

Boasting that you can get the benefits of a 90-minute workout in only 20 minutes, I was sold on the concept.

"Within a 20-minute session, our clients can burn up to 1,100 calories," said Kakar.

So, how does it work? You put on a special suit equipped with electrodes that deliver impulses to the major muscle groups. These impulses stimulate muscle contractions, which amplify the natural process of muscle stimulation to encourage your muscles to work harder. There is a vest for your core, back and chest; arm straps for your biceps and triceps; thigh straps for your quads and hamstrings; and a strap for the gluteus maximus to work-- well, you know.

Kakar and I went over health waivers; I took a body assessment that encompasses your BMI, percentage of fat, percentage of visceral fat and more with certified personal trainer Taylor Luckett; and then suited up! We revved up the stimulation machine and got to work.

I’m not going to lie, I went into this workout thinking it would be a breeze – 20 minutes can't be that bad! But, believe me, you’ll feel the burn. A very deep (but not painful) burn. It's the kind of feeling you get when you know you are getting in a good workout. Just how I like it!

You'll be led through your workout by a certified fitness trainer — in my case, it was Luckett. But Fitopia has three other trainers on staff. While the trainer leads you through movements catered to your specific abilities and goals, you’ll be feeling the extra exertion from the stim the entire time.

"So your muscles are actually contracting, so it is like you're moving a false load on your body," explained Luckett.

The workout is low-impact and lightweight, meaning it's easy on the joints. And for this reason, it's a great workout for anyone who has rheumatoid arthritis and also those who are older.

Despite being low-impact and lightweight — for those fitness obsessed gurus out there, fear not. It isn't easy. The trainers can make it extremely difficult (again, the workout is catered to your abilities).

Luckett made my workout pretty darn tough. In a good way.

But nonetheless, 20 minutes blew by and before I knew it, we were done!

Initial reaction?

"So, how was your experience?" asked Kakar.

"It was awesome. It was so cool. It feels, for anybody who has had surgery, it kind of feels like a stim machine that they put you on after you have surgery to re-stimulate your muscles. You feel more tired, but it goes by so quickly, too. So I love it. I can feel my arms are already tired," was my response.

I continued, "I definitely want to do it again. I want to do a mother-daughter thing. So mom, if you're watching, you're doing this with me."

Per the FDA guidelines, you have to space the workouts out at least 48 hours between, to allow the muscles to recover and to keep yourself from being injured.

Two days after shooting the story, I felt pretty sore, but it didn't stop me from going back to get in a second workout, just for fun.

Next time, I'll be bringing my mom.

Fitopia is offering free Introductory Sessions for anyone interested! You can try it out for free to see if it's the right type of fitness for you to reach your goals. You can call 513-847-1900 or book online at